Nutrition Archives - Kyle Byron - Toronto Nutritionist
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Oct 17 2024

Being Vulnerable. Your Next Superpower.

Yes, being vulnerable is part of your nutrition. Some people think nutritionist toolkits include: willpower (shhh it's overrated) chicken broccoli consistency (this is great but how do we get there?) MyFitnessPal (this database is incorrect and tracking calories is, in many cases, unhelpful) But it's so much more than that...

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Aug 09 2024

Olympic Nutrition: Here’s What I Learned

Nutrition Assumptions about High-Performing Athletes   I, for one, assumed olympic nutrition and high-performing athletes was great, all the time. Many people assume this.   The first time I saw a high-performing athlete break down and cry in my office, it surprised me. A few weeks prior to the crying, this person took on too many nutrition changes at once (the cardinal sin in nutrition coaching). It happen because I saw their status as an athlete.   "Oh yeah," I thought to myself, "they are human."   For years, I've got to witness athletes struggle to eat to...

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high fat food
Jun 16 2024

Keto and Fat Loss

The short answer is YES it works great if the calories are controlled, which they usually are because we can’t eat sugar, bread, rice, pasta, chips, candy, pop, or juice, on the Keto Diet.   But being in ketosis doesn’t help us lose weight faster. It’s all about managing calories in and out.    Let’s dive deeper.   What is Keto? Keto is short for the ketogenic diet. It is an extremely-low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that forces the body to burn only fat for fuel instead of fat and carbohydrates. But again this doesn’t matter if the calories...

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Sodium Bicarbonate
Mar 06 2024

Sodium Bicarbonate

Athletes will do anything to get an edge. You may have heard of creatine and beta alanine, and believe it or not, that stuff you put in the fridge to absorb smells, Sodium Bicarbonate – baking soda – is also a performance supplement! It’s also used in science fairs to make volcanos explode…   Sodium bicarbonate as it is known in science-talk, improves athletic performance particularly in high-intensity activities lasting 1-10 minutes.  How Sodium Bicarbonate works Sodium bicarbonate works as a buffering agent in the body. Remember that “buffering” in science means neutralizing acids....

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A woman punching a heavy bag
Feb 06 2024

Beta Alanine: How Does It Work?

Our athletes want to win, and to be honest, we get a thrill from watching them win. They pay us to get a competitive edge. Beta-Alanine can certainly provide an advantage. But what’s with the tingling skin? Let’s get into who should take it, and what it does.   Fact. Beta-alanine helps high-intensity athletes perform better.    If that sounds like creatine, you’re close. They both help stuff like sprinting and Crossfit, but in very different ways. So don’t confuse the two. I will explain how it works and how much to take.    How does...

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Fitbit Closeup
Oct 19 2016

Do Fitbits Make you Fit?

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" padding_bottom="25" box_shadow_on_row="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]The short answer is probably not. Fitbits, iwatches and other wearable technology have their pros and cons.   The Things I Like About Wearable Tech [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" padding_bottom="25" box_shadow_on_row="no"][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text] Sleep Tracking [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="15px" image_repeat="no-repeat"][vc_column_text]This is totally awesome. We can literally wake up a hundred times a night and not remember it. This is called sleep apnea, and it’s exhausting and leads to obesity (due to the hormonal disruptions that occur when we do not sleep).   Devices can show us if we’ve been sleeping or restless. Iphones...

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Jul 13 2016

Pasta Made These People Leaner

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" box_shadow_on_row="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Recently I was asked to comment on a nutrition study where that pasta eaters were leaner than people who avoided pasta.   Everyone in the study basically followed the Mediterranean diet, which includes veggies, healthy fats, meat, fish, legumes, and some starchy carbs. But some folks chose to avoid pasta, and some people ate pasta.   The pasta-eaters were leaner than those who avoided pasta.   That’s weird eh? Doesn’t pasta make you fat?   No it doesn’t. No single thing makes a person fat. Being overweight or obese is caused by multiple factors including:   Genetics ...

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