How to Heal an Injury ASAP
The physical, nutritional, and mental stuff you need to know to get back in the game as soon as possible!...
The physical, nutritional, and mental stuff you need to know to get back in the game as soon as possible!...
Before the trip, I had two things on my mind: the exhilaration of the inland seas we call Great Lakes, and my above-average body composition (and how would it stay that way, on such a long vacation, accompanied by drunken sailors)....
They say the older you get, things get taken from you. Unless, that is, you learn new modalities like soft tissue release and joint distraction. Then you can get older and be better at the same time. I found this out at Fuel Training Club, and I want to pass along the cool stuff I've learned. In January 2014 I started training there 4-5x a week. Full disclosure of affiliation: we promote each other, so technically I am bias. But everything I'm writing here is true. It's intense lifting and cardio. Here...
[caption id="attachment_831" align="alignleft" width="300"] My actual books![/caption] Stuck in a rut? These are some books that have helped me and a lot of my clients. Maybe one of them can help you. The Four Agreements This is a short book. It's a really simple framework that if followed even sometimes, can keep you out of drama. After I read it, I made four more "agreements" or guidelines to follow. At the time one was about Jiu-Jitsu, one about business conflicts, etc. Mind Gym This is a fun and light read. It's a collection stories from...
To be a great coach, I have to relate to my clients. I don't struggle (much) with my fitness or nutrition anymore, so it's good to humbled in another arenas. It allows me to feel the frustration of learning, change, and set backs -- since that's part of transforming our health and bodies. What better way to dish up some humble pie than getting my ass handed to me in a DIY project. "What could be so difficult?" I thought. Well, a lot apparently. Here is what happened and why I think it was...
I have a fairly-new client who always talks about how great it feels to exercise. I've heard this before (and of course felt it) but this ENTIRE SESSION was spent me listening to him go on and on about how amazing he feels. I couldn't get a word in! At the end I quickly gave him some new homework, but he had already got what he needed out of me -- someone to say, "I know, I've felt that, keep doing what you're doing." Because in his world, no one is supporting...
I suppose I should write something for my followers, but I don't want it to be some predictable NYE thing. It should be something uplifting because most people do feel refreshed and motivated today, so I should support that. But it can't be preachy. It also has to be research-based. This is a tough one. Kyle's 2014 Top Five Things About New Years (Not New Year's) First of all I want you to know that I care about you. I care that you are moving toward what you want in life. I care...
(This is a follow up to my last blog post was on how to get a training buddy. It's here.) This is a photo of the guy I train with. I am not, nor have ever, looked as fit as this! He is younger, stronger, leaner, has more discipline, has better genetics, and no chronic injuries. Young guys like him with no chronic injuries can train harder than guys like me (older with loads of spinal issues). I have a lot of clients who train with these more-structurally-sound people, so I felt some...
[caption id="attachment_509" align="alignleft" width="300"] Helping each other over the wall at Tough Mudder May 2013[/caption] A training buddy has more to do with support and accountability than it does helping you finish a rep. How does one get a training partner? First there are the obvious ways, like asking around the office, or among your friends. What if that doesn't work? 1. Become a "resident" at your gym. As in, train there a lot. Or at least go at the same times. You'll start to see the same people and that familiarity...
A 16 Km trail run with about 20 obstacles; such as crawling under barbed wire, swimming, and dodging electrical shocks. The Toronto version is held at Mt. St. Louis, which one must traverse six times. It is not a race, but you can approach it that way if you wish. You are encouraged to help those around you (there was plenty of that going on). [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"] One of the Obstacles[/caption] How Did I end up here? [caption id="" align="alignright" width="319"] Starting "Pen"[/caption] I was hired to train a team, and they...