Books for Greatness | Kyle Byron Nutrition Blog
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Books for Greatness

Books for Greatness


My actual books!

Stuck in a rut? These are some books that have helped me and a lot of my clients. Maybe one of them can help you.





The Four Agreements

This is a short book. It’s a really simple framework that if followed even sometimes, can keep you out of drama. After I read it, I made four more “agreements” or guidelines to follow. At the time one was about Jiu-Jitsu, one about business conflicts, etc.


Mind Gym

This is a fun and light read. It’s a collection stories from athletes you may be familiar with, each with something you can apply in stressful situations, to help you succeed. It’s about being a better athlete but it applies to exercise and just being a happy person.


Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways

Personally speaking, this book changed my life. My sister mailed me her copy when I was backpacking through Europe. If you know me, you know that I vowed not to come home until I had fixed two things. One, choose a new career; and secondly, make a decision about how I was going to deal with some personal situations that had befallen me, through no doing of my own.

Phew, lots to manage! This book pointed out some assumptions I was making that were limiting me, and was the catalyst to succeed at all my goals at the time.


The Highly Sensitive Person

This book helped me leverage my disability of being sensitive. Just kidding, it’s not a disability. There are a lot of benefits to being sensitive. But there are situations and environments that we do not thrive in.

I realized that a lot of my clients are sensitive people and I don’t know if that says something about them, food, me, or the human condition. All I know is this booked helped a lot of people.

Note that the second half might not be worth reading. It gets repetitive and unnecessarily heavy.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

This isn’t things like, “Get up at 6 am” or “Save money each week.”  No. It’s profound ways of communicating. It’s setting up structures in your life that can help you succeed at whatever you are doing. It’s a classic and I think it’s still relevant.


When I help people change how they eat, they succeed at so many other things in life. I can’t do it alone, I always have a book, a movie, or a story to help people get to the next level. This list shows but a few of my resources, but they are good places to start.

Let me know how it goes.



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Kb Nutritionist and fun guy

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